Our new campus is located just three minutes away from the existing Yasmina British Academy site in Khalifa City A. We will continue to provide an outstanding educational experience, set in new world-class facilities. Our new multi-building campus incorporates state-of-the-art facilities that will enable our teachers and students to flourish, fostering a future focused educational experience while also delivering on our environmental commitments to supply sustainable schools to the UAE.
In addition to sports facilities such as football pitches, swimming pools and basketball courts, the campus will also feature, laboratories, drama studios, indoor and outdoor multipurpose areas and primary classrooms that allows learning to flow both indoors and outdoors. We have a multitude of areas that will enhance the learning experience for all children. We also have an impressive Post-16 Centre, which will further enhance our offering of delivering outstanding A Level results.
New Campus Highlights:
Rated ‘Outstanding’ by ADEK & BSO
Built across an extensive site of 180,000 square metres
Includes a large auditorium for performances and conferences, a range of swimming pools, 12 specialist science laboratories, state-of-the-art computer suites, an audio, film and tv recording studio, STEAM and design and technology facilities, and outstanding indoor and outdoor sports facilities.
Every classroom fitted with the latest interactive technology to further enhance our students’ experience.
Our dedicated teaching staff will make the exciting relocation as seamless as possible for all students and parents.
This incredible facility will be more than just a school, acting as a social, sporting and performance hub for both the local and international communities of the city. The new campus enables us to add even more value to our currently outstanding educational provision, whilst utilising the reputation of Aldar Academies’ brand to positively impact the lives of our learning community in the UAE.
Yasmina British Academy is now 13 years old, during which time it has developed and built a reputation as one of the best schools in Abu Dhabi. Through the efforts of the Academy staff and our wonderful school community, this reputation has been cemented in recent years with outstanding ADEK and BSO inspections. The challenges of the pandemic, difficult as they have been, have enabled us to show the value of Yasmina British Academy in our community. Staff and parents have shown incredible teamwork to ensure every student continues to thrive. Against all the odds we have seen not only outstanding external examination results, but also an increasing number of families showing an interest in joining us.
Clearly, all these factors have given Aldar Education the confidence to invest in what will be one of the most architecturally and sustainable premium facilities in Abu Dhabi. The inclusion of the first purpose-built world class post-16 centre in the region will also be a welcome addition to the Academy and to the ambitious young people of Abu Dhabi.
There is a great deal of research that shows the positive impact a high-quality school learning environment can have on both teaching and on learning outcomes. Surroundings that are modern, aesthetically pleasing, well-designed, and highly functional facilities that will lead to better attendance, an improved sense of self-esteem, deeper concentration, and a greater sense of community. Our community chooses to be part of Yasmina British Academy because, both personally and academically, we help students to thrive. Moving to such an incredible new facility will allow us to not only continue this legacy but enable us to continue to secure the very best staff and to future-proof our students educational journey for years to come.
With a site covering 180,000 square metres, there are several standout facilities, but in brief, a large auditorium for performances and conferences, a range of swimming pools, specialist science laboratories, recording studios, state of the art computer suites, classrooms fitted with the latest interactive technology, STEAM and design and technology facilities, and outstanding indoor and outdoor sport facilities that will all add value to the experience our students receive and to the resulting outcomes we see.
The site will be ready to welcome students for the new academic year in September 2024. We are now in the final stages of construction and we are excited to move to our new campus in the coming months.
With the new site being so close to our current campus, the transition will be relatively easy but still carefully planned. In the coming months, we will seek the views of our community and communicate our findings before any actions take place, but strategies such as staggered start and finish times and transport between sites, will no doubt be needed to support you as parents until we fully transition. One school with two sites is a common feature for international schools, but this is something that we will only have in place for two years. However, with such a spectacular and substantial build underway, we cannot express enough how worthwhile this wait and transition will be to the families and students that are part of this journey.